Pittsburgh Pet Grief


This is shared from the IAAHPC website:

We know that grief associated with loss begins before the actual death occurs, and the name for this is “anticipatory grief”. These emotions may sneak up on us and affect us in many aspects of our life. Grief is work! It is never easy, but it can be easier with the support of a team that values “care for the caregiver”, a cornerstone of hospice philosophy. Yes, the ability to think clearly will directly affect how effective you can be in your care for your animal companion. Respite, or some time away from caregiving, can be important to your continued well-being.

We encourage you to reach out to like-minded individuals in your community and online who have experienced similar situations, and “get it”. Look to your local animal shelters, veterinary association, and pet funeral homes for pet loss support groups. Human hospice programs in your community offer grief and bereavement services to the public (interview them for their views on pet hospice first). Locally we have the Good Grief Center www.goodgriefcenter.com to help with companion animal loss as well as other types of loss please visit their website.

We Can Help

Your pet is sick. The diagnosis and subsequent prognosis are not good. Now is the time to contemplate putting your pet to sleep (euthanasia). But where do you turn for help? What are the next steps? How do you make this final period of your companion’s life as peaceful as possible? Let us help you with our in-home Pittsburgh Pet Euthanasia services.

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We answer the phone until 6 PM if your call is after 6 PM we will return it the next day.

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  Pittsburgh, PA

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